
Over 200 demonstrators marched in downtown Tempe on Mill Ave. on 7/11/14, joining the hundreds of protests occurring worldwide in solidarity with the people of Gaza and in protest of Israel’s brutal operation deemed operation “Protective Edge.” Marching in three groups up and down Mill Ave., the protest demanded an end to the ruthless slaughter of Palestinians, and an end to unconditional US aid to such slaughter.

Operation Protective Edge Info Flyer – Created by SJP ASU

7-11-2014 Tempe, Arizona protest for Gaza – Video by Dan

Dine’ for Sanctions Against Israel at Navajo Council, July 17, 2014 – Video by indigenous friends

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A second protest took place on 7-18-14, this time in downtown Phoenix. A candlelight vigil was held at the end of the marching, commemorating everyone killed in this latest escalation.

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