Palestine Children’s Relief Fund Benefit Concert ft. Invincible, Khaled M., Remi Kanazi, and Shining Soul

SJP childrens relief concert

Mark your calendars for SJP’s upcoming benefit concert! The event will be featuring Invincible, Khaled M., Remi Kanazi, and Shining Soul, and will be on April 12th at 8pm in Tempe’s Club Red/Red Owl. Tickets are only $15! Come out and show support for the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund and your local SJP chapter! For more information, click here. We hope to see you there!

All proceeds will go to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

A lecture by Max Blumenthal: “High on Zionism: The Indoctrination of Apartheid Israel Today”

If you missed the lecture you can watch the full video recorded at

Join SJP ASU as we host award-winning journalist and best-selling author Max Blumenthal. He will be giving a lecture titled “High on Zionism: The Indoctrination of Apartheid Israel Today” on Monday, March 25th at 7 pm in Neeb Hall 105. Click here for more information. We hope to see you there!

Israeli Apartheid Week: Day 1- Mock Illegal Separation Wall

SJP kicked off Israeli Apartheid Week today with our Mock Apartheid Wall on Hayden Lawn.  We gave tours to people and educated all those who stopped by about why the Israeli regime is known as an apartheid state worldwide.  This is one of the most visible applications of the Occupation and its reenactment enlightened many people about the injustices occurring in Palestine.  See our pictures below!

Join us on Days 2 and 3 of Israeli Apartheid Week:

Tuesday, March 5: Movie Screening: “Roadmap to Apartheid”

Where? LSE-106

When? 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

What? Roadmap to Apartheid is as much a historical document of the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa, as it is a film about why many Palestinians feel they are living in an apartheid system today, and why an increasing number of people around the world agree with them.

Wednesday, March 6: “Zionism, The Crime of Apartheid and the Occupation of Palestine” Lecture by Dr. Zahi Damuni

Where? PSH-150

When? 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

What? Hear from the co-founder of Al-Awda, The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition and longtime activist for Palestinian human rights. Dr.Damuni is the recipient of several community awards

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