Tell ASU’s Student Government to Support Equal Rights in Israel and Palestine!

Please sign and share this petition, telling ASU’s Student Government NOT to support the Israeli occupation of Palestine! Sign here:

As a student, alumnus, or faculty member at Arizona State University, I support equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis, as well as an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. The Israeli occupation violates standards of human rights and international law, since it:

1) Denies Palestinians’ their right to autonomy
2) Restricts Palestinian movement within the West Bank and Gaza
3) Prevents Palestinians from accessing appropriate medical care
4) Annexes Palestinian land via illegal settlement construction
5) Transfers part of the Israeli population to the West Bank in contradiction of the Fourth Geneva Convention
6) Leads to the construction of the Separation Wall, a barrier that was declared illegal by the International Court of Justice and is constructed primarily on Palestinian lands
7) Requires the use of armed military force against civilian populations, including the Gaza Massacre where over 1,400 Palestinians were killed

Finally, I am opposed to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, which costs the United States over $3 billion per year. This money could be better used to support education, healthcare, or other social programs in the United States.